Showing 20 Result(s)

Bloom Where You’re Planted

  This is the time of year when we reflect on our completed projects and accomplishments and consider future goals and aspirations.  I’ve listened to some amazing stories of successfully executed ventures and challenging goals triumphantly overcome and completed. These are all stories and accomplishments to cheer for, acknowledge and congratulate. Still, amidst the kudos, …

Tech Age Communication – It’s not what you think

  Problem: “As technology becomes more awesomely able, what will be the high-value human skills of tomorrow?” Solution: Best new “human” skills “…the most effective groups are those whose members most strongly possess the most essentially, deeply human abilities- empathy above all, social sensitivity, storytelling, collaborating, solving problems together, building relationships.” This is not just …

Selling Dentistry by Story Selling – Part 1

Storytelling – To Gain Case Acceptance Stories have captured peoples’ attention for eons, long before the written word. Jesus used stories to illustrate his lessons, as have many other spiritual leaders. Incredibly long stories were handed down from generation to generation, long before written narration, as a means to remember that culture’s history. Stories were …

Are You an Asset or a Liability?

In the ledger of life there are assets and liabilities. Which are you? In life, we mingle with many different kinds of people. While we cannot always choose the folks with whom we interact, we can intentionally choose to be an asset or a liability.  We all know the assets. They are the people who …

DSOs Done Right

Waiting for our offices to re-open can be painfully frustrating – and – it can also be a time of creative productivity. For some still in quarantine, there is still time to address that never-have-time-for “To Do” list. Here are some basic important DSO foundational building blocks that often get overlooked by fast growth, perceived …

Honing our Focus amidst the Virus Crisis | 16 Ways to Switch your Focus

What a great visual this cactus quote represents and sitting on it only makes it worse.   Are you sitting on it, giving it all your attention, or walking around it? Granted this virus demands a lot of our attention.  However, once we’ve committed to adhering to all the recommended health and prevention guidelines, let’s …