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It's Not Selling, It's Serving

Posted on 6/23/2023 by Janet Hagerman
hand with platterOK, so you hate that four letter S word. Particularly in dentistry, health professionals have a huge adverse, knee-jerk re-action to the concept of selling. Yet, when you get right down to it, selling is simply providing a product or service for compensation. It’s not really good or bad, depending on your belief. In the words of health care expert Tim Garwood, “If you feel like you are selling something they don’t need, then maybe you are. You have to believe in it.”

Do you have a passionate belief in the dentistry you provide? Does your team share that passionate belief? If so, then selling that dentistry is simply serving the needs of your patient. It is being an advocate for each patient, supporting and guiding their best interest. It is keeping needed dentistry from walking out your door!

Most dental professionals I’ve met are passionate about patient care. The challenge is to present your passion in a way that gets results, that gets case acceptance, that, yes, sells dentistry. Of course we want to do this ethically, effectively and elegantly. And we can all benefit from a few success strategies (OK sales tips). Because – the best sales tips are about building trust and relationships.

The truth is we all sell! We spend our lives “selling”/persuading thoughts, concepts and ideas to others. As international motivational speaker, Brian Tracy, says, “Everyone is in the business of selling. The only question is – how good are you at it?”

Selling Dentistry- ethically, elegantly, effectively is a process, like the blooming of a flower. It starts with a seed, gets nurtured, fed and supported with water, nutrients and sunshine, and eventually and gently blossoms. It doesn’t happen overnight and you can’t rush or push the process. Likewise, your selling process must start with an ethical basis (a true need), and be supported with layers of client/patient service leading to the rapport and trust that is the hallmark of successful selling, successful treatment acceptance, successful client care, successful selling and service.

Create value for your clients and watch your relationships blossom. Feel great about what you have to offer. Take the stigma out of “selling” and give it the passion and attention it deserves. Once you truly own the passion you have for what you do, the “sales” process becomes simply a natural extension of helping others to make the best choices for themselves. It’s Not Selling – It’s Serving.

“Janet’s refreshing perspective on ethical and effective treatment plan presentation will give any dentist the tools for a significant increase in case presentation acceptance.”

Mark Costes, DDS
Founder, Dental Success Institute
Author, Pillars of Dental Success

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Janet Hagerman, 3482 Keith Bridge Rd, Suite 282, Cumming, GA 30041 / 678-372-8234 / / 10/16/2024 / Related Phrases: dental practice consultant Cumming GA /