Showing 6 Result(s)

Humans Are Underrated: What High Achievers Know That Brilliant Machines Never Will

Are you anxious or overwhelmed by ever increasing AI technology, maybe even a bit scared of it?  Fortune editor and author, Geoff Colvin, offers encouraging advise for the merging of technology with real human communication skills. The following is an (edited for brevity) excerpt from his book description. What hope will there be for us …

Selling Dentistry So It Doesn’t Feel Like You’re Selling Dentistry

Nothing creates more controversy that selling dentistry. Yet, being adept at selling and persuading is a critical skill in dentistry.  How can you sell without feeling like you’re selling? Regardless of your profession, hobby, personal relationships- you are always selling something through relationships and service. How good are you at it? What’s wrong with selling …

Perfecting Communication Skills for Peak Performance

“The object of education isn’t knowledge; it’s action.” – Thomas Kempis (from POP xii)   Historically dental professionals have focused on patient education, yet how often does our patient education really work – how often does it produce action?   While educating is important, the end result of acceptance and action is crucial, and simply educating …